
Circle Life 2011 《何必呢》

On Dec 9th - 10th 2011 after 3 performances, Chords with Circle Life 2011, our piece "Why it? -何必呢?” was performed successfully. Through this project, I learned a lot from my fellow performers. I started to see the meaning of life...

I absorbed a lot of positive energy and the power of loving others. There are so many uncertainties, unfairness in our society. But at the end of the day, we have a choice to see how we see the world. My fellow performers taught me so much about how to connect to what is pure, and make us feel alive and beautiful.

因圓聚散,人生無常; 這也是圓,這也是緣!
Circles bring us together and separate us.
Yet every dot and every person is interlinked…

- photo by Hofan Chau-

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